Please, select your character name in the list and enter your E-mail address:
Select Player
1- Soviet Union or USSR ( HugeCommunist Power) = Ayden
2- Vatican (attempted peacemaker) = Amy
3- UK (brexit fearmongerer) = Abby
4- USA (USA) = Lucy Joy
5- Denmark (Rule over Denmark) = Tobias
6- North Korea (?) = Daneyes
7- Tibet (world power) = aaaaaaaa
8- United World (World Country) = a
9- Vulta (soldier) = Elijah
10- China (__) = Y
11- USA (Democratic) = Bruce
12- Comunist Turkey (Turkey) = Yiğit
13- Afghanistan (?) = Takhar
14- Tobias (Super soldier) = Tobias
15- Communist China (Rule over China) = Oli
16- Evil nuke corp. (Send nukes) = no
17- ha (ha) = ha
18- spy (?) = ?
19- spain (spain) = .
20- Christa (Sepcial girl) = Sizhe
Then, you will get a reminder message through e-mail.