" Night Hunters "
Ce jeu est destiné aux joueurs de 7 à 16 ans.
Les messages inappropriés seront supprimés.

At night two groups of creatures awake in the skies.
The Twilightings, and the Dawnlings. The Twilightings are clever and sneaky and strongest in the Twilight when they wake, and the Dawnlings are strong and hardy and strongest at dawn before they fall into a slumber. In this game you can help them fight each other for domination over the Night time!
1:You characters can be any sort of mythical creature you want, but they can't be called 'gods' or have godly powers like controlling the elements. They can manipulate the elements though, for example, your character can be able to speak to the winds and ride them, but they can't make the winds go to a certain place
2: Keep everything PG
3:You must come on at least once a month or your slot will be deleted
If you notify the GM that you will be away from sometime you will not be deleted.
4:You can have up to 3 characters

Prince/Princess: RUTYAW, YASMINE
Military Commander/ General: AKIA
Warrior/Agent: MARCUS
Blacksmith: NONE
Jarrers: NONE

If you have any questions about rules or roles feel free to ask.

Normal moonlight can be made into any light depending what star you mix it with. Players can choose which star they mix moonlight with and which powers they have. They have to be real stars though. And please be realistic and not make a super powerful starlight really common.
Blue moonlight (jarred when there's a blue moon) is more powerful than normal moonlight and best for healing and defense powers than any other.
Red moonlight (jarred during and eclipse) is the most rare and powerful moonlight and is best for attack and strength powers
Jarrers jar light and are generally apprentices to
the blacksmiths who combine the light and pour them into weapons or other things.
Now that everything's explained, I hope you enjoy!

3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Jan.28 13:45 Rutyaw was heading to the nearest blacksmith excited to pick up his first Red light sword.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Jan.28 13:46 'I'll defeat all the Twilightings with that sword' he swore
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Jan.28 13:53 'Srashla, your majesty, one of the agents has reported that Rutyaw has found some long forgotten Red light and has ordered a blacksmith to forge a sword with it!'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.28 13:55 'This cannot be true! Prepare the chariot. You shall pull it and I shall take one agent with me!'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.28 13:55 (Now would be a good time for an agent to join the Twilightings)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:41 In the mean time I'll describe my characters.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:44 Srashla had long straight black hair and pale skin with dark blue eyes. She had taken over the Twilightings from her uncle instead of marrying the king of the Dawnlings, and throwing away a chance to make peace.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:45   + 4 points Bravery à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:45   + 2 points Sneakiness à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:45   + 3 points Experience à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:46   + 2 points Bravery à Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Jan.29 13:49 Yastrala is a Midnight black wolf who moves fastest on shadow paths and has star like pupils that help him see better
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:50   + 2 points Superpowers à Yastrala/Ryker  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Jan.29 13:55 Rutyaw has dark brown hair with streaks of Red moon light in his hair that he was marked with when he was a baby. His skin is slightly tanned and he wears armor at all times.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Jan.29 13:55  Acheter Bow/Arrow Blue (x 1)  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Jan.29 13:56   + 4 points Strength à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.1 17:54  Donner Red Moonlight (x 1) à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.1 17:56 Srashla walked down the stairs (She lived in a tower made out of storm clouds) into a courtyard where the warriors and agents were training, to pick an agent for the mission.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:02 Hmm...the Twilightings are getting ready for battle. WHERE IS OUR GENERAL. You there, go het him or you shall be hanged.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:03 Oh! I'm so sorry, all the domination and everything is hurting my head!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:05 (Everly, Queen of Dawnlings. She has pitch wavy black hair with streaks of sparkly blue and silvery blue eyes. Her lips are blood red and her skin is slightly brown
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:08 (Everly, is recently in a very bad mood because of the prevailing wars. She used to be a kind and loving princess but her father's influence had affected her massively)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:10 (Now, she is all for war and fighting for domination. {Wait a minute, what are fighting for again? =D})
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:13 'Good, Rutyaw. He's the only one who has a little bit of sense. Go get that sword my boy' She says, proud.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:14  Acheter Sword Blue (x 1)  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 13:14  Acheter Red Moonlight (x 1)  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.2 14:16  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:20   + 2 points Strength à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:20   + 3 points Experience à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:25 If you do your job you get paid by the Game master. If a Blacksmith crafts a random sword, or if a royal or general carries out a successful mission the Game master rewards them. But if the sword was crafted for someone than that person pays the Blacksmit
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:27 As for the fighting, I made it kind of vague why so that characters can set their own goals and make up personal grudges without feeling restricted, but the long and short is that the two groups hate each other and have a bad history.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:28 BTW are blue streaks blue moonlight?
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:30 Back to the game * Srashla picks a young, capable looking agent and takes them up to a landing where Yastrala has the carriage ready*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:33 *On the way she explains the the youth what she had to do. 'If the rumors are true you must go steal this sword understand? Or else you will be punished severely.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.2 17:34 Yastrala looks ahead with his super eyesight.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.2 17:35 'Your Majesty I think I see the Dawnlings preparing for something. Maybe they're sending guards to prevent the sword getting stolen?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:37 'We may have to make a distraction, but we must make sure that sword does not enter the Prince's hands at all costs!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.2 17:42  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 04:50  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 04:53 Uh! There you are General, go get some guards ready to go with Prince Rutyaw. And make sure that the Twilightings don't get it. This is a very important mission understand?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 04:55 she pauses for a second, 'That sword could be the only thing to defeat those wretched Twilights'. looks at a soldier nearby, 'You! get the Chariot ready, I want to go to the blacksmith to finish a very important errand.'
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 05:05 bows at the queen, 'Yes your majesty, I already have them ready. I'll make sure that the sword is safe,' he pauses. Takes a swift turn and goes out from the royal throne room, where the queen was. He calls out to some guards and leaves the palace.
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 05:08 (The palace was made from diamonds, the diamonds were crystalized water with hints was blue moon light.)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 06:05  Acheter Blue Armor (x 1)  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 06:05  Acheter Bow/Arrow Blue (x 1)  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.3 09:34 'Oh my over paranoid Mother! I don't need a guard. A sword's made for defending! But if it makes her happy...come on soldiers! Let's change the game and win against the Twilightings!!
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.3 09:34 And they rode off
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 09:35 In the meanwhile Srashla's chariot after some searching, had found the Royal Blacksmiths
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 09:36   + 5 points Money à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 09:38 'Now go!' She hissed to the agent, 'and find where the sword is kept before those damned Dawnling's arrive!'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 09:40  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 13:15  Message secret pour Srashla  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 13:17 Your majesty, we got the sword!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 13:20 'Good! where's Rutyaw! is he safe! there's only a few more hours till night time and he has to be in the castle! WHERE IS HE' She pauses. Takes deep breaths, even though she's evil she loves her son more than anything
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.3 13:21 'Don't worry you majesty! He's safe in his chambers. The chariot is ready by the way. Your majesty,' he bows
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.3 13:23 'Good, I'll be off then. Get some food ready and make sure Prince Rutyaw takes his midnight pills. Or he'll start seeing nightmares again,' Saying that, she leaves the palace in her Chariot. And meets a Royal Blacksmith
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.3 13:30 (Yasmine is the Princess of Dawnlings. Her hair is the same color as her mother's but she has no blue streaks. She has emerald green eyes and rosy lips and she has a sprinkle of freckles)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.3 13:32 Mother, is it really necessary to fight all the time? I mean, I know you're trying to protect us and all. But...
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.3 13:33 (You goes and sits beside her mother)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.3 13:33 (She*)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 17:21 The agent comes back to say that they couldn't find the sword.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 17:23 'Oh damn it! We can't fight them for it either because it's near dawn and their strength is getting higher. We'd better go before we fall asleep.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 17:24 When they got pack to the tower the agent was dismissed and Srashla and Yastrala spent their hour's up to dawn brainstorming plans
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.3 17:24   + 10 points Money à Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.3 17:25  Acheter Blue Moonlight (x 1)  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.3 17:25  Acheter Chariot (x 1)  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.3 17:29  Acheter Sword Red (x 1)  Meanwhile Rutyaw is gloating over his sword. It glows red and it's strokes were strong. He laid it beside him and went to train with the General to test it. As he wanted one duel while at his strongest before he went to bed.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:41 (Yasmine, since she felt bored has decided to go with her mother to see the Blacksmith. But, her mother forbade her because it was almost dawn.)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:41 But, mother, don't you know we are strongest at dawn?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 06:42 I know, I know, but look, the sun's rising. You go to bed! ok!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 06:42 (She looks at her daughter)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:44 Fine, remember to come before the sun's rays touch the palace roofs. Oh! and mother please don't forget to bring me that jewel you promised. Please!!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 06:44 I don't have time for that, I only have time for this. Now go! (Saying that, she leaves the palace)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:47 (Meanwhile, Yasmine runs off to her room and stares at her mother going full speed in her chariot. One grounds below, she saw her brother training fearlessly)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:48 It's not fair that Rutyaw gets to fight and train and spend his time out side before morning! It's just not fair! I'm treated like a little girl. But I'm not little anymore!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:50 (She says to herself with her arms folded.)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 06:51 I'm going to do something too. Hmm...(Yawns) or maybe not! I'm too tired. (She goes to her bed and sleeps. The sun is almost up)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 06:53 Good job your majesty! You have fought well and you have beat two of my most experienced fighters. Now, the sun is almost up, shall go back in your majesty? (he asks cleaning his sword and putting it back into his scabbard)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 06:54 (The prince and a few soldiers have been training all dawn long and are ready to retire to their dwellings)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.4 08:50 Alright General. Tomorrow I want to hold a council of war to decide how best to renew our attack on the enemy. Oh, and maybe ask my Mother to let my sister come. She could be good at politics I think.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.4 08:51 The last rays of dawn disappeared and it was time for the day time creatures to roam.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 08:52   + 10 points Money à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 08:52   + 15 points Money à General Akio  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 08:53   + 5 points Money à Rutyaw  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 12:40 Yes, your majesty. I will
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 12:41 He bows at Rutyaw and leaves the palace, headed for his home where his family lived
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:44 The morning hours passed. The day time creatures lived their lives without the knowledge of two other very different creatures living among them. Noon came and went. A few more hours till night time
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:46 The day creatures went back to their homes. Night was falling. The queen of Dawnlings was wide awake for she knew it was the time that the Twilightings would rise to their strongest
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:48 She lay in bed thinking. 'Hmm...we need a plan of defense and attack' She said to herself.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:49 I'm afraid that they might attack us now! no! they won't! because we didn't. But, what if they did!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:49 Just then, Yasmine arrived to her chamber
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 12:50 Mother! Mother! Rutyaw wants me to come with him to hold a council! can I go please!!!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 12:50 She pleaded
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:51 Yes, yes, go ahead!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.4 12:51 she said, still thinking
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 12:52 Thank you! thank you! thank you!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 12:52 she said excited
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.4 12:53 (She turns and runs off to where her brother was)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 13:07 General Akio, on his way to the castle, remembered that he was to buy a new Chariot for the Royal family. So, he went to the shop which had his pre-ordered Chariot made. He bought it and ordered them to bring it to the palace grounds before midnight.
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 13:09  Acheter Chariot (x 1)  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.4 13:14 'There you are Akio!' Rutyaw said thanking him for the chariot. 'Let's get down to business. Now that we have a strong point, this sword, we must find the Twilighting's weak point. Did any of your spies report back to you General?
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 13:42  Message secret pour  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.4 13:47  Acheter Blue Armor (x 1)  
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:04 Ok
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:09 My chracter has a light blue sweater and a dark blue jogging.
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:10  Acheter Blue Moonlight (x 1)  
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:10  Acheter Blue Armor (x 1)  
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:10  Acheter Bow/Arrow Blue (x 1)  
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:10  Acheter Sword Blue (x 1)  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 14:10 What animal is it?
Player 62022,Feb.4 14:13 A Monkey
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 14:15 Twilighting's or Dawnlings?
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 14:22 If your'e not sure who to choose Twilightings do need a couple more players if you want to.
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:33 Hi !
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:48 My character has a pastel blue T-shirt adorned with small sparks of a darker blue, a black wide denim bermuda coming to him a little below the knees and black shoes.
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:49  Acheter Book (x 1)  
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:50  Acheter Blue Armor (x 1)  
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:50  Acheter Sword Red (x 1)  
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:51  Acheter Bow/Arrow Blue (x 1)  
Player 92022,Feb.4 15:51  Acheter Blue Moonlight (x 1)  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 17:21 (To prince Rutyaw) Not yet your majesty, but we do know that they have a quite strong weakness towards the Queen of the night. It is that flower that blooms only at night and sleeps in the morning. I have sent out some of our troops to gather some
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 17:22 We have decided to use it for our arrows, bombs and shields. We'll first make a potion and apply it
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.4 17:23 It will damge the lives of the Twilightings immensly.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.4 18:12 Hello Yuki! Thanks for joining! Are you on the Twilighting's side or the Dawnlings? What animal are you? A mythical one or a normal one?
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.4 19:10 'I have always found bombs a cowardly weapon. How about long range canons instead? What do you say Yasmine?
Player 92022,Feb.4 19:25 With pleasure ! Which side would it suit you if I was on ? My animal is the three-tailed fox ( mythical ) if you do not mind
Player 92022,Feb.4 19:26 And you, what is your animal ?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.5 12:04 (To the prince) I am sorry if it wasn't up for your expectations your majesty! (He said with a bow)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.5 12:06 Well, I think that we must use both long range canons and bombs. I'm saying, because if we make the bombs in a way that it could explode and send the Queen of the Night extract scattering around the Twilightings, maybe, just maybe, we could defeat them.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.5 12:06 you know what I mean right? Brother
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.5 12:07 (General Akio looks at the prince, waiting for an answer)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.5 18:44 A Mythical creature is fine! In fact it's even better. Mine is a wolf. If you go up you can read his description. The Twilightings are a bit out numbered so maybe them? Any thing you can tell about him so that I can see which points I should add to him?
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.5 18:46 'That would be very effective. When can you have enough made for an all out attack on the Storm Tower?' (That's what the Twilighting's tower is called).
Player 92022,Feb.5 19:49 Then I'll be a Twilighting. I had already read your character description, what details would you like to know about mine ?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.6 04:45 In about two weeks your majesty. We might have a stock of five hundred bombs with the Queen of the Night extract. And all the sheilds and swords applied with it. Anything else that we might have to finish?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.6 04:46 Your majesty!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:48 (While the discussion was going on, queen Everly came into the hall with a spear in her hand)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:49 I've got it (She said waving the spear around her head)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:50 I've got the Eternal Spear! This can do everything we want! That good ol' blacksmith did a wonderful job crafting the spear. All I had to do was to put the gem in the right place and here it is!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:51 (She said with a victorious smile)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:52 Oh! mother that cannot be true! it was said that the Gem disappeared a long time ago! how can this be!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:53 (She looks with awe at the glistening gem. It was blue and was as big as a palm of the hand)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:55 Ah! but that's where you're wrong, your father, the king, he had it with him the whole time before he died. Just before his last breath, he whispered the location. I followed. And there it was! It wasn't easy. I wouldn't call it stealing either.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:55 (She said with a smirk)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:56 STEALING! what do you mean by stealing! mother where did you get it!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:56 Tell, me NOW! you can't be stealing that's bad!!!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:56 (her eyes were filled with tears)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.6 04:58 Oh! don't cry you idiot. I didn't steal it I took what was ours. Besides, I don't think they even knew that was there!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 04:59 Who? mother! who didn't know it was there? Tell me!!! Brother please ask her to tell the truth! Please! you're going to get us all into trouble mother! tell me! WHO IS IT???
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.6 05:01 (She cried with such fear that her brother came to her to comfort her. She was furious to have heard that her mother has stolen)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.6 10:14  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.6 10:14  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.6 10:15  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.6 10:18 'Yes Mother! How did you get this gem? Don't play games with us! Please!'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.6 10:19  Message secret pour Srashla  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.6 10:19  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.6 10:22  Lancer un dé à 4 faces... Résultat=2   Message secret pour Srashla  
Player 92022,Feb.6 19:52  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:14 Fine, I'll tell. It was at the bottom of Storm Tower. It was hidden in a chest. Bottom of the tower meaning, somewhere, and I can't tell you ok?
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 08:14 You stole it from the Twilightings?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:15 I told you, I took what was ours
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:15 (Then she stormed out of the room)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:24 (Then she goes to meet the General)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:26  Message secret pour General Akio  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:27  Message secret pour General Akio  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.7 08:28  Message secret pour General Akio  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.7 08:28  Message secret pour Everly  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.7 08:29  Tirer au sort un objet... Résultat=Normal Moonlight   Message secret pour Everly  
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.7 08:29  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No   Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 08:30  Message secret pour General Akio  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 11:18  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 11:18   + 2 points Superpowers à  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.7 11:21 Yastrala walked through the training courtyard, past the hall where the agents and warriors slept, and into the rooms were the lounging animals lived. He sought out Yuki.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.7 11:21 'The Queen want's to speak with you Yuki!'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.7 14:26 Yastrala leads Yuki up to the Queen's throne room.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:27 'An Yuki! I wanted to speak to you!'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:27   + 1 points Sneakiness à  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:28   + 1 points Cleverness à  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:28 *Leans over and whispers into his ear*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:30  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:30  Donner Starlight (Any) (x 1) à   Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:33  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 14:35  Donner Jar (x 1) à   Message secret pour  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 14:37 Rutyaw was walking with his sister discussing whether their mother had done the right thing, and about the spear in general.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 14:39 'I want to know about the gem. How does she know it belongs to us? What does it do? How did the Twilighting's get it? How did Father know about it?'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 14:40 'What if she's telling Akio about it and that's what their discussing privately. Should we go and eavesdrop?
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 14:40  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 14:41 Aww, come on Die. Your no fun
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 16:31 I don't like eavesdropping. It's not nice. Besides, if mom wants us to know, she'll tell us. In time brother, you'll see. One day you'll say that it was a good thing she didn't tell un all about this.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 16:32 us*
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 16:32 On second thoughts, I don't think it will hurt if we ask a few questions. After wall, we are her children
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 16:53 'Well, you try first. You sometimes seem to have a natural talent for wheedling.' Playfully
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:01   + 2 points Strength à General Akio  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:02   + 2 points Cleverness à General Akio  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:02   + 3 points Experience à General Akio  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:02   + 3 points Cleverness à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:03   + 2 points Cleverness à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:04   + 3 points Bravery à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:04   - 2 points Superpowers à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 17:04 I'm in the mood for shuffling points around okay alright?
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 18:19 HIIII
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 18:21 Your majesty, queen Srashla I am new here, I don't suppose you remember, but I was there at the hall when Yastrala came in. Is there anything I can do to serve you
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 18:22  Acheter Bow/Arrow Red (x 1)  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 18:22  Acheter Red Armor (x 1)  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:29 Do shut up! (Gives a playful punch)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:30 Fine, I'll go. And I have the perfect power to do it
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:32 (She closes her eyes and suddenly, but slowly, she disappears. Her brother looks around and nodded for satisfaction. Then he ran to his room, while Yasmine, went as close as she could to listen to what her mother and the general was talking about)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:42 (After an hour, at Rutyaw's room) No use. I couldn't hear a single thing. They whispered in such low voices. I didn't go too close because mom would sense me.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:45 But, well... there you go. That
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:45 *That's all I got
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:46 Now, it's your turn. Since mommy adores your strength and power and all (She rolls her eyes jockingly) you go and ask
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:46  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:47 Seriously, don't be like me. You're just too scared. Scaredy cat!!! (she laughs and runs away)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:50 (She comes back again) Oh! and it wasn't mokeys they were talking about! I just rembered! it was foxes. I know it's wierd right! (She skips out of the room without letting her brother to talk to her)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 18:57 (Just then, she runs into Yasmine and she looked at her in surprise) What is the matter child! Can't you walk! don't run around the halls. (Then she storms off)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:58 Oh! I'm sorry mother! (She turns to go, but then sh decided to talk to her mother) Mother! can I ask you some thing? Please?
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 18:59 she*
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 19:00 Yes sweetie, go ahead
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 19:01 Where did you really find that gem mother? tell the truth will you! please
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 19:04 (She lets out a sigh) Fine! come with me. (They go into Everly's chamber) Don't tell this to anyone! ok? But can tell your brother, cause one way or another he always finds out. (Then she slowly told Yasmine the whole story and secrets.)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 19:04 (And Yasmine listened carefully)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.7 19:05  Message secret pour Yasmine  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 19:05  Message secret pour Everly  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.7 19:07  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes   Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:06 Hello Marcus! Thank's for joining!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:08 But, Srashla is the Queen of the Twilighting, and you put Dawnlings on your role so maybe you can change that? Or is she a spy?
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:09   + 2 points Superpowers à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:09   + 1 points Bravery à Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:09   + 2 points Strength à Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:11 'Well Marcus, I may want you as part of the mission but we shall see how things turn out.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:13 *Turning to Yastrala* 'Do you feel a little strange Yastrala? I feel like something's missing. It's probably nothing but could you do a check over the tower with Marcus?'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.7 20:18 I will your majesty
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 20:20 Gets on his horse Dawnrunner and sets of.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 20:21 'I'll go see my Mother when she least expects it. That always works.'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.7 20:36 'Yasmine? Mother? What's going on?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:52
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 20:53 OK so now the number between Twilightings and Dawnlings are equal.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 21:12 Now we need a couple more females, mainly on the Twilightings side
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 21:18 The Dawnling's need a couple more Animals, Warriors, and Agents
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 21:18 And everyone needs a one or two Blacksmith's and Jarrers.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.7 21:19 Just for anyone planning to join or make another character
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 02:49 Oops, sorry. It actually should be Twilightings. I think I had Dawnlings in my brain after reading the description and I typed it (I'm such an idiot =D)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 02:52 (Back in the game) I would be glad to serve you my queen. I will, I swear to somehow destroy all the Dawnlings and help you win over the night (He bows)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 03:00 (She looks in amazement and horror at her son.) You shouldn't have come my boy. But, I'm almost finished so, Yasmine can tell it to you. (She stands up and goes to him.) Listen, swaer on your life, your red sword, that you'll never let this out! ok?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 03:05 (His son nodded) Good, then after all this. You can down for your before dawn meals. (To herself) Only three more hours to go till sunlight
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 03:09 swear*
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 03:09 come*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 07:01 (I forgot to introduce myself, ok. So, Marcus is a thirty year old soldier who earlier worked as a blacksmith. Then, hearing that the Twilightings need help, he stopped his work and became a soldier to help queen Srashla.)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 07:09 (He has curly and ginger hair and he is very muscular. He has a scar on his face going over one eye and all the way over the cheek. He has brown eyes and thin lips and a small beard)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 07:11  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.8 07:13  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.8 11:30  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.8 11:32   + 2 points Strength à Rutyaw   Message secret pour Marcus  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.8 11:34 'Why all this secrecy? Yasmine what are you talking about?'
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 14:18 Come on Brother. Not here (She signed over to some guards)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 14:19 (They go into Yasmine's room which she locks behind her. And then she whispered everything her mother told her)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 14:30  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 14:32  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 14:32  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.8 15:12  Message secret pour Srashla  
Player 92022,Feb.8 16:50  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.8 17:14  Message secret pour  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.8 17:20  Message secret pour Yasmine  
Player 92022,Feb.8 17:28 Yuki prend la bouteille et le pot et se rend au château. Une fois arrivée, elle se glisse par une fenêtre entrouverte et dépose délicatement la bouteille. Elle se cache ensuite dans un coin de la pièce en attendant Rutyaw
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 06:02 Yes, your majesty. I will. But, I have something to tell. Once I heard about it, I did went to scout around. I'm sorry if I didn't do it according to your permission. But, unfortunately, they have harvested it all.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 06:03  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 06:04  Message secret pour Srashla  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 06:27  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 06:29  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 06:55  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 09:13 (Meanwhile, Everly goes to see the General before her meal) Akio, is everything going good? Did you get the flowers?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.9 09:14 Yes, your majesty. we have all the flowers and they are made into a powder with some starlight. It will help us spread it around the air when the bomb explodes
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 09:15 Good, and how about (In a whisper)**********
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.9 09:16 Great! all's well your majesty! Shall I go and check?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.9 09:16 (He says after listening to what the queen said.)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 09:23 No! No! No! It's not safe. Stay, we have only two and half hours more till morning. But, take advantage at dawn and make sure that the soldiers and palace grounds are safe
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 09:23 OK?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.9 09:23 Yes, your majesty. I will
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 09:33  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 09:35  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 09:37  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 09:39  Message secret pour Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 09:45  Message secret pour Yasmine  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.9 09:46 Meanwhile Yastrala was searching the castle too. Since he had been with Srashla since she was a young princess of 15, he had had full time to explore the castle and was searching even more thoroughly then Marcus but he could not find anything.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.9 09:49 But he was feeling the same strange feeling Srashla was feeling. It became intenser when he reached the Spiral Fall. It was a half-secret exit that led from the bottom of the tower to the lower skies,
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.9 09:50 which was often too close to the daylight creatures,so the night time ones hardly ever went into the lower skies. And yet the feeling of emptiness was coming from there.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 10:39  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 10:40  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 10:42  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 10:45  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 10:57  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 10:59  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 11:04 Ah! Yastrala! here you are. I've been looking for you everywhere. What's the matter?
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 11:04 Oh wait! don't tell me! do you get a weird feeling when you come down here?
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 11:06 Is that it? (He looked around and shuddered) Awfully creepy in here. Gives me the chills. Also, it feels empty. I've been here earlier when I was told to get something during my training. Back then all was good, but now! Now it's different. Brrrr...
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 11:16  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 11:16  Message secret pour Yasmine  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.9 11:20 'It is. I think one of us should stay guard here. Otherwise I don't see what we can do since we don't know what the problem is. You stay here. I'll inform the Queen and bring some more guard here.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.9 11:21 *Trots down the corridors, until he comes to the queen's chamber*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 11:23 'I need to think Yastrala. Go and reinforce Marcus, and we must wait for Yuki to come back before we make a move. We may him.'
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 11:51  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 11:52  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.9 11:53  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 14:03 'Hmm...Maybe. I need to think all this over.'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 14:05 He goes to his chamber and start's toying with his sword, thinking about how insignificant it was compared to the mysterious gem.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 14:07 Taking the bottle of starlight he had found on his dressing table he took it. He thought it was the scent he had ordered. (Did I ever say that he was obsessed with his appearance at time?)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 14:19 But as he sniffed the slightly peppery substance some of it fell on one of the edges of his sword. The area's that it touched became diluted and the moonlight which it glowed with fell on the floor.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.9 14:19 It was the weirdest most horrible thing he had seen!
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:21 While he was guarding, Yastrala came running and told what the queen said. So, he with Yastrala to meet the queen
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:22 Yes, your majesty! Is there anything I could do?
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:22 went*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:35 Well I'll tell you both what I think is happening.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:39  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:42  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:44  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:44  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:45  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 15:45  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:54  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:55  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.9 15:55  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.9 21:34  Message secret pour Marcus  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.10 03:40  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.10 05:44 (Dawn came, Everly looked out of the window and saw that the soldiers were training. She went down and had her meal with the prince and the princess. Then, they all went to bed as the sun rose up slowly and slowly . The day creatures started roam)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.10 05:46 (An hour later, after a sudden rumble, Everly woke up with a start) (She looked around and saw an airplane flying a few Km below. But, of course, they couldn't see them because of a special spell)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.10 05:46 Odd (she thought)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.10 05:48 Never have I seen a plane going below! Oh well, who knows what the day creatures do. It's not that important either (Then, she slept)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.10 11:57   + 200 points Money à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.10 11:57   + 10 points Money à Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.10 12:50 If it wasn't for the fact that since Night creatures practically evaporated during the day time, and it took a lot to make them wake up before time, Rutyaw wouldn't have been able to sleep at all.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.10 13:47 *Before sleep dragged him under he had taken one last look at his sword. One of the edges had been melted clear of, and the glow was fainter than before*
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.10 13:50 *He remembered how, as the starlight he had mistaken for a normal bottle poured onto his sword, part of it had melted and the moonlight had hovered in the air and that a three tailed fox had jarred it and leaped out of the window.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.10 13:51 Fortunately, since it was dawn, he had been strong enough to save the sword. Only now it was weaker and the Twilighting's had some Red moonight. He would break the news tomorrow.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.10 17:16 Yastrala went with Marcus out side the tower.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.10 17:16 'Where should we search first?'
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.11 04:39 Hmm...I think we should start from somewhere no one would think about. A least suspecting place. What do you think? I don't know much about this place. I'm quite new. Oh! but wait, I think we should go see a witch
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.11 04:40 I know one who lives here. Do you think it's a good idea to go see her. I think she's available now
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.11 04:41 (It was only a few more hours to night. And since they were stronger at twilight, he and Yastrala decided to start things off early)
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 14:51  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 14:52  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 14:53  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 14:54  Acheter Starlight (Any) (x 1)   Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 14:55  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 15:11  Donner Starlight (Any) (x 1) à Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 15:12  Acheter Starlight (Any) (x 1)  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.11 15:12 I'll do the same to you.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.12 14:51  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.12 14:51  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.12 14:53 Marcus and Yastrala, after their plans, spread out. Marcus goes in search for the witch, whom luckily was his sister in search for answers.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.13 13:44 Hey everyone! Just an update. You can play as a new type of Dawnling or Twilighting!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.13 13:44 The Faded. Let me explain what the faded are.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.13 13:50 When daylight comes all the Night creatures fade into invisibility and entire unconsciousness. And it takes a lot to wake them up. But when a Nightling is too weak they fade for good.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.13 13:51 They live in the cave of the faded and cannot come out again. So basically they're dead. But other people can come into their cave, but it is a very difficult jouney.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.13 13:52 Please ask if you have any questions
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.15 05:34 Ok! got it
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.15 08:29  Message secret pour Everly  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.15 10:41 Meanwhile Rutyaw headed down to the Royal dinner hall depressed. He had to tell exactly what happened to his sword to Yasmine and Everly
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:42 Yastrala's friend, the crow who had helped him hunt many a time flew overhead.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:43 'Hello!' Yastrala called. The crow landed. Yastrala felt a wobbly sensation. 'Strange and terrifying thing's have been happening Yastrala.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:43 'Tell me about it.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:45  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:46  Acheter Starlight (Any) (x 1)  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:46  Jeter Starlight (Any) (x 2)  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:46  Ramasser Starlight (Any) (x 2)  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:48  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.15 10:48  Message secret pour Srashla  
Player 92022,Feb.15 17:22  Message secret pour Srashla  
Player 92022,Feb.15 17:24 Yuki était rentrée depuis quelques minutes à peines, elle avait courut remettre la bouteille à Srashla en lui demandant si c'était grave si elle n'avais pas pu prendre toute la substance de l'épée. Le prince n'avais malheureusement renversé que quelques
Player 92022,Feb.15 17:26 gouttes sur son épée. Elle ne sais pas ce qu'il se serais passé si le prince s'en était servit comme parfum
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:40  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:41  Jeter Starlight (Any) (x 1)   Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:41  Ramasser Starlight (Any) (x 1)   Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:42  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:44 Marcus was travelling as fast as he could to meet the witch, his sister. On his way he saw a crow circling above him. It looked weird. But he went on his way.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:45 Skilled aren't I (He thought to himself)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:46 (chuckles) They didn't even suspect
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:47 (By that time the crow was long gone) wait till Srashla hears how great I am. She trusts me fully. And I must not break it.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 05:48 Then he slid down a slope and ended in a pocket in the ground. In front of him was his sister's cottage. He went in and talked to her
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:44  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:45 'It's fine Yuki. Even a little bid of Red moonlight can amount to a lot.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:45   + 40 points Money à  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:47 'If he had used it as perfume we might have gotten rid of another enemy, though I wouldn't want to get rid of them in that way.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:47 *Yastrala's message appears in her lap. She reads it, then sends her own message.*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:48 Using a special formula of starlight.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:48  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.16 12:49  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:50  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:52 'Well Yuki, I have another mission for you if your not too tired.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:54  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:56  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 12:57  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:04  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:07  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:08  Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:09   + 2 points Sneakiness à Yastrala/Ryker   Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:09   + 1 points Experience à   Message secret pour  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:09   + 3 points Bravery à  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:10   + 2 points Sneakiness à  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.16 13:10   - 5 points Health à Rutyaw  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:12 Back in the Dawnlings' palace. Queen Everly was going down the stairs to the royal court room. General Akio was waiting.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:13 Ah, general. How is everything! our plans must be going well I suppose. Has, you-know-who gotten any information?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.16 16:14 Plenty, your majesty, we have decided to attack the Twilightings first thing at dawn
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.16 16:15 All the weapons are ready and the soldiers too
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.16 16:15 Anything else we have to do?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:15 No, not at the moment. Go get me the chariot
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:16 I need to go for a stroll. I'm too bored staying in here all the time.
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.16 16:16  Jeter Chariot (x 1)  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:16  Ramasser Chariot (x 1)  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:18 Right, I'll be off then. Oh, and by the way, where is Rutyaw, the last time I saw him was when he came out of his room this night. He looked awfully pale. I hope he's alright. Go and fetch him here you general. Please
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:18 (she ordered)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.16 16:18 Yes your majesty. (he leaves)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.16 16:20 Go and fetch him here will you general*
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.17 10:16 Mother, I have terrible news. Through an accident conducted through the Twilighting's terrible designs one of the blades of my sword has been dissolved. There is still red moonlight in it but it is weaker, and worse, the Twilightings have some moonlight!
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.17 10:30 It was still Twilight so Yastarala searched the plains without feeling to weak, but his legs still wobbled. But there was something. A pull. He felt that pull when he was driving the royal chariot and leading it down the shadow paths.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.17 11:05   + 3 points Sneakiness à Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.17 11:06   + 2 points Cleverness à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.17 11:06   + 1 points Cleverness à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.17 11:07   + 1 points Sneakiness à Yasmine  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:13 WHAT!!!! (She screamed when she heard the news.) ARRRGGGGHHH (she screamed)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:14 (she took deep breaths) Calm down calm down, don't scare your son (she told herself)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:14 Ok, ok, it's ok. It...is...ok.....we'll find out what to do. (she started to think)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.18 04:16 (in a whisper to the queen) your majesty, I think you forgot, but, you ordered me to keep the original sword in the throne room. The one he had was fake.
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.18 04:17 But, that sword is made with normal moon light.
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.18 04:17 So, it's quite safe, but still has some power though
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:18 AHAHAHAHA (she laughed loud when she heard this) Of course. I forgot. See, now this is what happens when you wake at noon when a plane flies by (she laughed again)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:19 Oh, my dear boy, we knew you were a reckless little beast. No offence sweetie, so, using some moonlight, I made Akio forge it into a sword.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:21 You needn't worry at all ok, come here. (she took the sword from under her throne) here, keep it safe will you. And don't ever go near the window with it's blade shinning as bright as a supernova (then she kissed her son's forehead. She felt it warm)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:22 (she felt that he was scared to death in hearing the news)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:23 Oh, I'm sorry if I gave you a fright. But, you know mummy likes to keep things safe right? Come here (she gave him a hug) You'll be alright. Now, go and have something to drink to feel very dry)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 04:23 you*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:17 After meeting his sister, he took some starlight and decided to send a message to Yastrala.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:19  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:21  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:23  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:24  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:25  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:25  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:26  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:30 After the long message, he started to walk slowly. It was almost morning!!! He had his trusty horse with him. He was getting weak too. Marcus could feel it. He looked for a nice hidden place to sleep in. But he had no luck
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:30 He walked beside his horse. after sometime, he found a cave!
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:31 Just the right place!
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:31 He thought
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:31 Come on Felix! let's go get some rest.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:33 They went inside and found a comfortable place to sleep in. He quickly drifted off and so did his horse after good meal of grass and puddle water. It tasted weird, thought the horse
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.18 05:33 a*
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.18 11:21 Sooo...Not so funny story. I don't like keeping things safe and I might have done a little bit of snooping and I might have exchanged the fake for the real one because... well... it felt nice having the real thing.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.18 11:22 And I'll never do that again, and maybe the Twilighting's won't make anything with their bit on moonlight and my sword is still one of the strongest and...Wait, what did you say about a plane?
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.18 11:23 *Trying to stop his mother from looking like she wanted to box his ears really hard*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.18 11:35  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.18 11:36 Hmm...What to make with this red moonlight...I know!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.18 11:38 The Blacksmith's is underneath the training grounds and Srashla headed there.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.18 11:43 'Good night Hatyur' She said with a slight bow. 'I have a job for you.' Whisper's to him.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:06 He followed the tug. A rustle came from beside him. He turned around but amid the flowers his reflexes did not work as well as they used to.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:06 Then he paused to reply to Marcus.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:09  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:10  Message secret pour Srashla  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:12 Stunned by the information he sat down. I was so close to morning and he was at his weakest. 'What crime would Sralya commit?' He wondered to himself aloud.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.18 12:13 'Sralya,' a deep, growling, unfamiliar voice said. But just as he turned to look, the night pulled all the creatures of the night away from the day.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.19 09:50  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.19 10:14 Yes, yes, a plane. It's not important. And NO SNOOPING (sternly). Now GO! Drink something
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.19 14:54 Rutyaw drank up and then began to feel drowsy. He retired to bed for the time being. The next day they would make the attack.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.19 14:54  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.20 16:26 *As twilight dawned again, Yastrala opened his eyes a jumped up. Slumped in front of him, was a giant tiger, the beast*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:40 Marcus woke up by the light of the setting of the setting sun
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:41 He slowly got up and found that his beloved horse Felix was already having a nice meal. He took his stuff (not much, just a small cloth, his sword, a pouch containing some money) and mounted his horse
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:42 Come on Felix! The nearest village is not far away.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:42 He did a small whistle and the horse bolted like a thunder
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:43 *The moon rose up and the sky became dark. The stars started to shine and he saw a light the distance* Ah, a village at last
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:44 *Saying that he rode there faster and arrived within a few minutes to the entrance and of the village*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:45 *There, he met some guards. guarding the entrance. "Oy! Who are you?" a soldier asked.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:47 Just a passer-by. Found this quaint village and thought there might be food. Been travelling all day and me and Felix here are tired. He replied stroking Felix's mane, obviously lying.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:49 "Alright, you may go in" the soldier said opening the gate. *They went into the village. It had stone houses with straw roofs. There were torches lighted everywhere. He found and inn and went in*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:50 an*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:50 He kept his horse outside
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.21 07:52  Acheter Food/Drink (x 2)  Marcus ordered some food and sat at a corner table and ate silently
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:19 Meanwhile, at the Dawnling's castle, everyone was getting ready for battle.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:19 (Everly was giving orders to the guards and soldiers)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.22 11:20 Rutyaw was being bossy and hussling the army to a max.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:21 But meanwhile Yastrala a a Tiger were having a stare down.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:23 'Sralya,' the beast repeated. 'What about Sralya?'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:23 'First of all you tell me who you are!'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:31 'I was Sralya's Tiger.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:33 *Yastrala gasped* There were rumors about Sralya's secret animal but why was it here? How did it resist the weakness
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 11:34 of the flower? Did she know where Sralya was? What her crime was?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:45 Bring that over here! (she ordered)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:45 ...
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:46 (Time passed and it was time for the attack. The troops were flying through the sky on special ships with all the equipment and weapons)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:47 (to her son) on your command prince Rutyaw, we attack. Tell us when. Come let's go to meet the general so we can plan further
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 11:55  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 12:25  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 12:25  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 14:37  Message secret pour Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 14:38  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 14:41  Message secret pour Marcus  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.22 14:43  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.22 14:46  Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.22 14:46  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 14:55  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 14:58  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 14:59  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 14:59  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 15:00  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 15:02  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.22 15:03  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.22 15:03  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 15:03  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 15:04  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 15:04  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.22 15:07  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:09 OK! thanks
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:13 (Alright, back to the story) They finished their plan of attack and decided to strike at Dawn since they were strongest then and because they knew that the Twilightings won't have a chance to counter-attack.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:16 (The Storm Tower was a long way away from them, they left at early Twilight so they can reach there by few hours to dawn
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:16 *)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.22 16:19 You've cooled down a bit Your Majesty, comparing to the mood you had last week (he said with a grim chuckle)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:20 Ho ho! (she did a sarcastic laugh)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:21 How's everything going on?
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.22 16:22 Great, Your Majesty. Um...our plan B has got good news too
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:22 We'll talk about that later
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.22 16:22 (Then, they parted)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 12:50 (Everly went into her royal chamber she had in the ship and took the spear she once had forged, out.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 12:50 )
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 12:51 (she looked at it with wonder)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 12:52 (she quickly put on her armor which fit perfectly, and she went to the deck where the General, Rutyaw and Yasmine were waiting)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 12:52 Hello! are you ready? (she asked)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.23 12:53 Ooo....Mother I am so excited!!! (then she suddenly changes the mood sarcastically) but, do we really have to do this?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 13:00 (looks at Yasmine unbelievingly) of course, they're not going to die! they're just going to fall into a million year sleep. The only one that'll die is that wretched Srashla. Her mother's gone for what she did. She did a wrong thing you know!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 13:00 It ruined my LIFE!!! Sralya's gone, now it's Srashla.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.23 13:02 On your command Rutyaw. The tower is on sights. (she took the spear and it lit up. It was storing up power in it. Ready to release at Rutyaw's command) poor Twilightings. They're in a real shock for this (she cackles)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.23 13:03 (To her self) Sralya? who's that? (then she waits for her brother's command as well)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.23 13:04 (making up a spell of her own, which, might damage the building)
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:03 'What do you mean.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:03 He said huskily.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.23 14:06 Srashla looks out of her window. The Dawnlings were coming to attack. She had not expected it so soon. Hopefully her new tool would work.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.23 14:07 She needed to do two things. Call Yuki and Yastrala and Marcus, and strengthen the building. She looked at her order from the blacksmith.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.23 14:08 She had stored up just enough moonlight for it and with the small bit she had got from Rutyaw it was complete. It was a flute!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.23 14:08 She pulled at the blue tag and than played two tunes.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.23 14:10 One short, peircing sound to call all Twilightings, and one to strengthen the castle a bit. The storm clouds that made up the tower, tightened a bit and became darker.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.23 14:12 Rutyaw was beginning to see he needed to give the command now. Everyone was in order. 'Charge!' He cried.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:13 Meanwhile Yastrala had heard. 'My Queen is in trouble!'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:14 The Tiger paled, if I a tiger can pale and said, 'I cannot tell you now but I will help you. Just trust me.' She dragged the very weak Yastrala into the nearest shadow path.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:16 Yastrala was shocked. Though all 'Mammal' Night creatures were born in shadow clusters it took great skill to be able to maintain your powers with the shadows. The shadows had never gone so fast for him.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.23 14:18 (By the way, my brother made a medieval RP called Fortress of Grimwake for any of you who are interested)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:39 (The troops fled towards the tower. Everly got onto a hover board and flew with them. Yasmine used her power and successfully made a hole in the tower big enough for the troops to go in. But, not that big because of the protection spell that they have
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:40 used)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:42 Silly Srashla. She must have made something with that moonlight. Not that strong because it's only NORMAL moonlight. (She said to herself. And used the spear to destroy the tower grounds. The magic pierced through the thick mass of clouds and hit directly
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:42 )
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:44 (she gave a loud cackle. She held her spear up, waited a second, and slowly flung it forward. With that sign, a massive rain of arrows fled through the sky and fell hither thither on the Twilighting's palace)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:45 (Many soldier were hit and fell down to a deep deep sleep because the arrows had the Queen of the Night extract on it. But, they were in for a surprise as well)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:46 (The Twilightings, turns out they have been somewhat preparing too. And, a shower of arrows came raining towards the Dawnlings. Many soldiers were hit and fell down the sky)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:47 (the soldier disappeared into puffs of smoke, because, as they reached closer to day creature realm, they become weak)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.24 07:51 Mother, we must go back to the ship. They're getting hurt (she said pointing at the soldiers)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:52 You put a spell and heal them. We can't go now. Get the injured back in and get the healers to attend to them. Ok? I'm going to continue.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.24 07:52 Get Rutyaw
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.24 07:53 Yes mother, I will
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.24 12:17 But Rutyaw was keeping his rank of soldiers together under Yastrala and a couple other soldier's who were attacking him. His sword, though it was strong even with one of the blades neutralized, was working fast.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.24 12:21 Though Yastrala was taking down many Dawnling soldiers, most of his own were taken down, and he could not get one scratch on the prince. If the prince hadn't lost a bit of his moonlight Yastrala might be dead.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.24 12:23 Meanwhile the Tiger was doing tricks that nobody could understand to neutralize the Queen of The Night flowers. But she couldn't protect the whole castle and she could only protect one portion of the tower.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.24 12:26 Srashla had pulled at the red tag and was playing a shrill tune that knocked the Dawnlings back over and over from getting in the hole. Those who did get through, had to fight hard against the few but best Twilightings.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.24 12:28 So now, though no soldiers were getting in, and the bombardment was less effective and Rutyaw was tied up, the Twilightings were still stretching themselves out to exhastion.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:24 Rutyaw! you idiot! that's the true sword! use it to shatter the flute! Yasmine go help him! (she shouted. Then, she gave another signal, then, came the BOMBS.)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:25 (The exploded above the tower and put hundreds and hundreds of soldiers to an eternal sleep. She cackled. She was furious now that most of her soldiers were dead, and that they were plotting to capture Rutyaw) Not under my watch (she said to herself)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:32 (But she saw that Rutyaw was struggling. She hated it. She signaled again and another rain of bombs flew towards the tower and exploded)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:36 (suddenly, she caught something in the eye. In the Storm Tower, someone very vaguely familiar.) Huh?! (she thought. It was a tiger bravely fighting some Dawnling soldiers)) Ryker!!!! (that was the tiger's name)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:38 OH MY GOD!!! (she screamed) Ryker...I remember...(she gasped. She stood still on the spot. Yasmine came over and put a spell and saved her mother from being shot right on time)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.25 04:39 Mum! what is wrong with you!!! you could've gotten yourself killed!!! (she said and stared at the direction her mother was looking at)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.25 04:39 RYKER!!! (the words suddenly came out!)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.25 04:40 Oh! it's the tiger from my childhood! mother what's it doing there!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:40 It's not a nice tiger
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:40 It tried to kill you!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:42 It tried to kill you!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:44 (sorry it repeated. Had a connection error =D )
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Feb.25 04:46 WHAT!!! But I remember it playing with me!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:48 It was all a lie. Get it. Now focus. Half of their soldiers are dead and half of them are asleep. Only a few left but they're the strongest. It's time for me to use the moonlight in this gem to finish this once and for all
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Feb.25 04:50 (just then the general came) Your majesty! we must retrieve now! Most of our soldiers are hurt. I'm sorry, my queen.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:54 It's ok! Go on back to the ship. I'll go and try to save Rutyaw. (she flew to his direction. He was fighting bravely.) Just like his father (she thought to herself) brave, reckless, (then she smiled)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.25 04:54 (she flew towards him)
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:17 But there was no need. Yastrala and the prince had been fighting a heroic battle, but though the blade did not touch Yastrala, the light did, and his right shoulder blade would not work for a long time.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:21 Yastrala had to rely on the shadows to carry him, and he could not fight and stay in sway with the shadows at the same time.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:22 He grabbed all the threads of shadows and united them into one tide and blasted them at Rutyaw. But the force hit a Queen of the Night bomb, and they collided. For a brief second they merged into one, and Yastrala had never felt so much power.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:25 But then they exploded and knocked both Rutyaw and Yastrala back. Yastrala called, but the shadows ignored him. Explosions were happening every where and the Queen of the Night and the shadows were merging into something else.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:27 Ryker (who is a female I forgot to mention), made a roar and all of the balls of Shadow and cream coloured balls of mashed up flower was absorbed by her making her stripes longer and thicker.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.25 12:31  Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.25 12:34 The battle field was still. The Twilighting's were exhausted and the Dawnlings had lost there Queen of the Night weapons.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.25 12:35 Ryker stood there, her stripes dancing like fire, and Srashla was staring at the animal, looking as Yasmine had looked at her, her flute in one hand and her sword in the other.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.25 12:37 Yastrala was lying, unable to move, and was shivering. He was so overpowered by the feel of the two elements combined.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.25 12:40 Rutyaw though he was also exhausted and shaking a little, looked magnificent as his brown hair, streaked with red blew out behind him, and as he held out his sword atop his beautiful, horse, Dawnrunner, who's mane contained all the colours of the sunrise
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.25 12:41 It seemed that there would have to be one more show down from some of the heroes of both sides, before the battle could be concluded.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.26 15:27  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.26 15:32 (it was quiet and still. Everly was letting out deep breaths, her hand was bruised and she had blood dripping down from her forehead. She had no idea what to do next)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.26 15:33 Rutyaw! (she whispered) What to do?
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.26 16:19 'We could try to renew our attack, but both of us are as strong as each other. But I will win this. I guess we could talk about terms with each other, but I won't retreat. That will leave them the feild.'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Feb.26 16:26 'By the way,' squinting at the Tiger. 'Where did she come from? I remember a tiger I think. When I was a kid in the castle up until father died. Then she seemed to disappear. Anyway, If we get rid of her we might be able to win the battle.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.26 16:31 Then Srashla floated onto the steps of the tower and said. 'Everly, the time has come to talk. Let us establish a peace for a period of time, and take our dead and wounded.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:12 (To Rutyaw) Seriously, stop thinking him as a good tiger. (out loud) he's the one that killed your father!!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:13 One week, one week to get your soldiers healed. But I can't help with the ones who fell asleep. They're asleep forever.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:15 Let's go Rutyaw! Yasmine! come!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:18 Once everyone is healed, after a week's time, meet us at the Lighted Meadows at midnight. Then let's negotiate.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:19 (She turned to leave. But, stopped and said to Srashla) Oh! and don't forget to bring that tiger of your's. We have catching up to do
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:19 (Then she flew away to the ship)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:20 (the rest followed and the soldiers and everyone retreated)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Feb.27 11:21 (the Twilightings were left alone for themselves)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 16:57 'Well, we must clear these bodies. They will disappear into the cave of the faded. Let's bring our wounded into the blacksmith's. It's the least damaged.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 16:58 She lifted Yastrala up with a spell and sent him into the comfortable quarters that had not been damaged. She would talk to him later.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 16:59 'We also have catching up to do...Ryker? If I remember right?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 17:01 (Ryker will be a girl because we have enough males I think)
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:06  Message secret pour Srashla  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:07 So I'm using the two in one slot rule and making Ryker a separate character.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:09 Ryker: 'Yes, my lady.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:09 They went into Srashla's throne room.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 17:10 'Where have you been?'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:13 'In the fields of the Queen of the Night.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:50 'I will tell you the whole story my Queen!'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:53 'When I was a cub, I was exposed to the Queen of the Night flower.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 17:58 'While the Shadows were the most cooperative with me, I found that the Shadows, which are difficult to manage, mixed with the Queen of the Night, make a powerful, but still rather violent, force.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:06 But the Dawnling's found me, and because I had developed immunity to the flower, they took me for their own and I grew up in the palace and did not know that I was actually a Twilighting.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:10 'Then I did a dreadful thing. On a hunt I murdered a wolf litter that lived in the Twilighting territory.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:12 Sralya found me and captured me. She realized I was a Twilighting. I was horrified that I had killed my own kind. She gave the only wolf pup that had escaped me to her daughter for her fifteenth brithday.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Feb.28 18:13 'That was Yastrala and me!' Srashla whispered.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:29 'Yes, and your mother, though I am still loyal to her now that she is dead, manipulated me. I don't think she knew she was doing it, but she knew I would do anything to make up for killing Twilighting's.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:31 'So she sent me to do the worst act in my life. She sent me to kill Larkon, the king of the Dawnling's and Everly's husband.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:34 Ryker was shaking now. 'I killed him and fled the palace. I stayed with Sralya after that, but the guilt of killing the person who raised me was horrible. I had killed my real kin the Twilightings, and I had killed the a member of the family who raised me
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Feb.28 18:36 ' I fled into the Queen of the Night flowers, because Sralya had already died and that, is why, even in the battle I never killed any of the Dawnlings. And that is my story.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 04:10  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 04:32 (The Dawnling ships were returning back to their kingdom. Everly sat on her chair and thought while the servants and the doctor attended to her wounds) Ryker..(she said in a thoughtful voice)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 04:36 I can't believe she did that! (she said remembering what Ryker did that night)
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.1 04:41 Poor Ryker! she looked pale when she saw you! But! why would she kill the person that raised her so lovingly (Yasmine said lying on the bed with a bandaged arm)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:20 *Marcus had no idea that there was a war going on between the Dawnlings and the Twilightings. But, he did feel something strange. He didn
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:20 didn't like it
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:20 8
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:20 *
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:20 (Ooo typing mistake)
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:25  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:38 *Marcus got on Felix and raced back to the night creature realm*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 08:38 *Once he got there, it was a total catastrophe*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 11:59  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 12:03  Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 12:29  Message secret pour Marcus  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.1 12:58 'I can't see why you sympathize with her.' He was examining two of his broken ribs and it was hurting him terribly. 'She was a devil to go and kill our father. He wouldn't have killed her if he found out she was a Twilighting.'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.1 13:01 'What terms shall we ask for?'
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.1 14:23 I know, but,....It's just...I don't know...I really liked Ryker and just kills me to know she killed my father. But,....(long silence)Maybe she didn't mean to do it?
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.1 14:23 You know! maybe she was forced to
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 14:26 In fact, she was (Everly said after a minute or two) Sralya, Srashla's mother, forced her to do it because she mistakenly killed a litter of wolves which were Twilighting. And it's a crime I think, so she forced Ryker to do it and because of that,
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 14:27 she got cursed by the green gem on that spear, which belonged to your father, and now she, is, in, the cave of the faded
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.1 14:27 That...is her story...half of it I think
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.1 16:17 'Well anyway, I guess we can ask for more details in a week. What terms are we going to ask for though?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:18 By the way, what should we name the battle of the Twilighing's and Dawnlings? Maybe the battle of the Tiger, or the Battle of the Queen of the Night, or something like that?
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:19   + 2 points Bravery à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:20   + 1 points Experience à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:20   - 2 points Health à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:21   + 2 points Experience à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:21   + 2 points Superpowers à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:22   + 2 points Experience à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:22   + 1 points Bravery à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:22   + 1 points Superpowers à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:23   + 20 points Money à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:23   + 5 points Money à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:24   + 1 points Experience à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:24   + 2 points Superpowers à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:24   - 1 points Health à Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:24   - 2 points Health à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:25   + 3 points Cleverness à Yasmine  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:25   + 5 points Money à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.1 16:25   + 10 points Money à Yastrala/Ryker  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.2 11:27 Hmm...for the name, how 'bout, The battle of the nights' or The battle of the midnight creatures or The battle of...of...um... I'm out o' names
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.2 12:49 There might be more battles in this RP, and all of them will be with the Night creatures, so I think maybe we should name it, 'Battle of the Queen of the Shadow' Because that's what I'm planning to name the forces of shadow and Queen of the Night mixed
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.2 12:49 together.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.2 12:53 Yastrala grew stronger, as the week went by, and Ryker helped him work with the Queen of Shadows. Yastrala didn't know exactly how to feel about Ryker killing his family and all, but he could get along well enough with her.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.2 12:57 The Storm Tower was almost as good as new when Srashla, Yastrala, Ryker and a few other important Twilighting's met at the Lighted Meadows.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.2 13:03 The Lighted Meadows was a patch of land in between the Dawnling and the Twilighting's territory. It was the best place for star light jarring, and the Dawnlings and Twilightings had fought for it many times.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.2 13:05 But now it was the only place that both races could use peacefully, and that was why it was often chose for peace talks.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.2 13:11 Meanwhile Rutyaw was gathering up the important Dawnlings. Since the battle hadn't been of their territory, only the Dawnling army was damaged.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.2 13:12  Message secret pour Marcus  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.4 05:08 (The Dawnlings were already there when the Twilightings have arrived. Ryker was with them. In a whisper to Rutyaw) Rutyaw, I hope you didn't bring the sword. Were on land and using it might be very dangerous. And we don't want to ruin the peace talk.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.4 05:09 Hide those soldiers there. We have to make them feel that we've come alone.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.4 05:09 Or else....(she kept the rest for herself)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.4 10:17 (Yes mother). *Out loud* 'Hello, Ryker, A long time since we've seen each other isn't it?' Sarcastically while staring daggers at her.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.4 10:35 'Yes, my Prince, it has been.' Ryker whispered.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.4 10:38 'Everly, I think there are some things we want from each other, don't you think so?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.4 10:40 'Let us each state what we want from each other. You can go first.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.4 10:51 You can never give me back what I want! and you can never ever feel what I felt when your stupid tiger killed Larkon
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.4 10:52 (to Ryker) Didn't you have a heart! he cared for you more than anything! he was proud of you! (sniffles) BEAST!
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.4 11:09 'I do have a heart. And it is punishing me now. I would do anything to make up for my act, but I know I cannot do anything to bring him back. But allow me to redeem myself in any way!'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.5 16:38 'Well I know what I want from you! I want this Devil Beast so that I can revenge my father as I see fit!
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.5 16:40  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.5 16:47  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.5 16:47 'Do you mean that?' Srashla asked the Tiger in amazement in response to Ryker's whisper.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.5 16:48 Ryker nodded.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.5 16:49 Very well. If your Mother and Queen agrees then I will give Ryker to you. But I demand something in return.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.5 16:51 Rutyaw looked to Everly to see if he had her permission to the bargain.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.7 16:09 What do you want? you'll only have it if it's providable
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.7 16:11 *Marcus came to the meadows with the Twilightings as well. When he heard Everly asking on what they wanted, he whispered to Srashla*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.7 16:11  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Mar.7 16:12  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.7 18:11  Message secret pour Marcus  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.7 18:12 'Then I'm afraid we might not have a deal. Because I want the artifact that you stole from the Twilightings. I don't know what that artifact is precisely, but I know that it's made out of green moonlight and that you have it.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.7 18:14 'It belong's to the Twilighting, because from the legends I've heard it was a Twilighting who jarred that moonlight and crafted it.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.7 18:15 'That's not true! From the legends I've heard it was a Dawnling! And if you don't know what that artifact is why do you even want or deserve it?'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.10 06:50 Pooh!!! you're so dumb! like all the other Twilightings (no offence yah?!) That so-called artifact was in fact, jarred by a Dawnling! right here on the Lighted Meadows, also know as Moon Plains! You probably won't know that because,
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.10 06:51 this place was once belonged by the only person that kept the two of us united
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.10 06:51 And, he tried to keep it that way, but, you just couldn't.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.10 06:54 Anyway, sorry, but you can't have it. It DOESN'T belong to you! Just to make you feel better, it wasn't even NEAR the Storm Tower!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.10 06:54 (There was a dead pause between the two groups, then, Srashla spoke)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.10 12:42 Well, I have a proposal. Let's go to the cave of the dead, and see who's right. Let's uncover our true past in one go. I'm tired of discovering mysteries that happened in the past and never getting the full picture.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.10 12:43 (She also wanted to help her mother and grill her about manipulating Ryker.)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.10 12:47 Are you mad!? Do you know how difficult it is to just go to the cave of the faded!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.10 12:48 I suppose it would definitely be too difficult for you Dawnlings!
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.10 12:49 Rutyaw could never resist a challenge so he accepted in a moment, forgetting that his mother had to ultimately decide.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.12 08:39 (to Rutyaw) Always making things harder. Got the strength, but doesn't know how to think twice!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.12 08:40 (to Srashla) The cave of the faded huh? well, I know you won't have luck finding your mother there, if you are. Don't you know? didn't your little foxy there tell you?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.12 08:41 Yastrala! tell me dear, tell us all where Sralya truly is!!!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.12 08:42 (She threatened)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.12 08:43 (Everly really liked a little bit of threatening)
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.12 13:25 'I don't know. But I know that we need to find her soon, and obviously YOU know something about her so you can tell us where Sralya is yourself. And I'm a wolf, not Yuki the fox.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 08:10 I do know, more than you! I know that Sralya committed a crime and that she is suffering for it! or, she suffered!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 08:11 Now, she is paying the perfect price for it! I'm telling you, you're too late to ever talk to her Srashla.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 08:12 She's gone!
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.13 13:12 Srashla grits her teeth. 'Well, do you accept my proposal or not? Because even if Sralya won't live her dead days in the Cave of the Faded, we must find the person who made that artifact and see who it belongs too.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.13 13:13 Secretly she still clung too a hope that maybe it wouldn't be too late to save Sralya from the Human World.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 13:57 I do accept! I'm not afraid not to! (she paused. She was happy to see how angry Srashla was. But, deep inside, even though Everly didn't know, she was feeling very sad for her)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 13:57 So, when shall we go? How about at full moon's night? there'll be a beautiful one next week?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 13:58 It'll be a wonderful night for the children to come out and jar moonlight at their will, what do you say?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.13 13:58 Yasmine?! How about then
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.13 13:59 I think it's perfect. Don't you think brother? (she replied with a smile)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.13 18:08 Yes, it is. But first, I challenge Ryker. Not as an act if war, an act of justice. Fair fighting, and a single duel.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.13 18:09 Now!
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.13 18:09 I accept
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.14 15:46 (before Everly could say anything all has happened. She slapped her palm on her forehead and watched as the two came to the middle of the crowd. Everly backed up and so did Yasmine)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 18:17 Rutyaw draws his only weapon that he had since he was a child, and whirled it towards Ryker's chest.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 18:17  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 19:39 As Ryker leaped, Rutyaw cut her across the ribs.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 19:39  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 19:41 Ryker tackles Rutyaw to the ground and slightly injures his arm.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 19:42  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 20:02 Rutyaw tried to plunge his dagger into Ryker but his arm was tied down.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 20:03  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 20:04 Ryker is suffering from her wound
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 20:55  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.14 21:04  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
Player 92022,Mar.14 21:06  Message secret pour Srashla  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 21:15  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.14 22:27 The red moonlight in his hair gives him a quick energy boost and he wounds Ryker's leg.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.15 09:56  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.15 09:57 Ryker leaped and wounded Rutyaw in the stomach
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 09:58  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 09:59 Rutyaw stumbles
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.15 09:59  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 09:59  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 10:03 Rutyaw gathers up the last of his strength and remembering how they had played when they were younger, he tackled Ryker and slashed her across to the heart. It was not a killing blow, but it was the winning blow
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.15 10:05 The soldiers and warriors from bothsides meanwhile had been eating snacks, commenting and placing bets. Now they burst into appluase as both contestants stood there bleeding
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.15 10:08 'Well fought Prince.' Said Ryker as she rose to her feet.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 10:12 Rutyaw sheathed his dagger. 'Ryker, I have been very merciful on you. If you had a heart I would relish more in injuring that then your cursed body. But as you don't have one, bear those scars as a reminder of the noble man you killed'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.15 10:16 'So, we meet here at the full moon, to start our journey to the Cave of the Dead, and for all that time we will have peace, is that so?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.15 10:17 'It is so.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.16 01:38 (Everly saw how the Twilightings has placed bets and laughed and enjoyed the very much brutal battle. As the two contestants got up, she saw how they burst into applause and saw the faces of some who, she thought, had lost their bets)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.16 01:39 (For the first time in a very long time, she actually smiled, from her heart)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.16 01:40 (Hearing the agreement made the Twilightings, she left silently, with the amazed Dawnlings following her)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.16 01:40 by*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 08:52 *Srashla sighed* Though she had enjoyed the sight too. The two fought very well. 'We'd better get you to the healing rooms. You're rather badly injured.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 08:53   + 3 points Bravery à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 08:53   - 1 points Health à Rutyaw  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 08:53   + 2 points Bravery à Yastrala/Ryker  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 08:53   - 3 points Health à Yastrala/Ryker  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.16 08:54 'Do you know how to find the path to the Cave of the Faded your majesty?' Yastrala asked.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.16 09:01 'I think so... But if my mother really is gone, I'll have to rely on Everly to find our way.'
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Mar.17 05:23 (The Dawnlings were heading back home on their small ship. General Akio has been wondering about the sudden change of mood in the Queen. He wanted to ask, but he was afraid he might ruin it. Because he knew that the queen had a massive ego, so to speak)
13>General Akio (General of Dawnlings), 35 ans2022,Mar.17 05:24 (so, he asked Rutyaw to speak to her)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.17 14:11 'Well Mother,' said Rutyaw, who was feeling very proud with himself, 'Do you think I taught that Ryker a lesson?'
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.17 14:14 His stomach had turned a lovely shade of blueish-black, and his arm was slightly fractured, but it was nothing compared to Ryker's wounded chest, legs, and two broken ribs.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.17 20:47 Meanwhile Srashla is trying something, to see how they are to find there way to the cave of the faded. Her Mother and her were very fond of music, and she felt sure, if she played a special tune her mother would find some way to answer.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.17 20:48 But now she wasn't so sure. So she pulled out her flute and played
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.17 20:48  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.17 20:49 And she felt a sort of tug, a longing, coming from the south.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.17 20:50 She walked off the balcony (She had just arrived in the Storm Tower) and began to get her entourage ready for the journey to the south.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.18 11:32 (Looks at Rutyaw) I think you did son. Good job.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.18 11:33 (Everly felt strange. But she didn't know what it was)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.18 11:33 (She called to General Akio)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.18 14:03  Message secret pour Yasmine  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.18 15:26  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.18 17:07  Message secret pour Yasmine  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.19 08:07  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.19 08:07  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.19 08:07  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.19 17:08  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.19 17:08  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.19 17:10 When they got back to the Dawnling Palace Rutyaw spent all his time getting ready. He made sure his weapons, armor, skill and strength was at it's best.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.19 17:14 He left Yasmine and Everly to practice the magic spells, and study the people they would meet in those haunted caves. He had never been much of a magician, or researcher.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.19 17:15  Acheter Red Armor (x 1)  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:40  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:40  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:40  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes   Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:41  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:41  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 03:42 (Rutyaw left without answering the last question she asked. So, she left too. Thinking about helping her mother to practice and create new spells
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.20 12:49  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.20 12:55  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.20 12:57  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.20 12:59  Message secret pour Yasmine  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.20 13:02  Message secret pour Yasmine  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 14:23  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.20 14:23  Message secret pour Rutyaw  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.21 16:46  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=No  
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.21 16:46 Eventually the time came to go back to the Lighted Meadows to begin their journey.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.22 14:50 The Twilightings were already there.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.22 14:52 'Ah Everly. Ready to start are we? Well, I want a little word with you before we start.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.22 14:54  Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.22 14:58  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.23 15:12  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:29 If it's south, then we should go south east. The evil shadows always change a course
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:30  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:30  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:31  Message secret pour Srashla  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:31  Lancer un dé à 2 faces... Résultat=Yes  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:33 (to everyone) OK! we are on our way to the cave of the faded. Akio! Get the Chariot ready. I'll lead the way. Srashla can come come after me, and then the rest. Yasmine! Rutyaw! into the carriage with you please!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.24 12:34 (She waits for everyone to get in and then whispers to the gem. Then she gets in herself)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.24 13:26  Message secret pour Everly  
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.24 13:27 Yastrala pulled the Twilighting's chariot.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.24 13:28 Ryker was also in the chariot because she was still rather injured.
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.24 13:36 But eventually, Yastrala slowed down.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.24 13:38 'What's wrong Yastrala? Move on.'
7>Yastrala/Ryker (Wolf/ Tiger), 5/12 ans2022,Mar.24 13:40 'The shadow trails are thinning your majesty. I am struggling to move the Chariot.' (Shadow trails were like roads to him).
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.24 13:42 'Whoa! What's that?' He pointed ahead of them.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.24 13:50 Ahead of them, there were colored lights that weaved through the skies in wavy streaks.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.24 13:58 'It looks like a very beautiful road.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.24 14:14 'I think Humans call it 'The Southern Lights' or 'Aurora Australis'.' Said Srashla. 'There are many tales about this place. I wonder if we could use it as a road?'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.26 16:29 (she smiled at herself. It has been a long time since she saw those) Those roads always lead to the same place. According to us. Which way do you think we should take? Srashla? (she said, in a calm tone)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.26 16:41 A rare road like this must lead somewhere important. It might lead to THE cave.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.26 16:42 This will have to mean adventures!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.26 16:54 Did you know, that Aurora Australis is named after a very brave hero of the same name? it is said that she had fought bravely to restore peace between Dawnlings and Twilightings. She died a hero, and those appeared as a tribute to her.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.26 16:54 They say her strength is light!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.26 16:55 It's truly magical and wonderful
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Mar.26 17:14 It's sad to think that all her effort has washed away! look at us! (then she was silent. Leaving everyone to think. It was a very uncomfortable moment for the two queens. Yasmine felt it. Specially in her mother)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.27 09:09 'Well, hopefully, maybe, we'll use her remains as a means to seal her goals.' Srashla said eventually.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.27 09:10 She was moving her chariot with spells now, since Yastrala wasn't able to pull it through the Aurora Australis.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.27 09:13  Message secret pour Everly  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Mar.27 09:25  Message secret pour Srashla  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.27 10:01  Message secret pour Everly  
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Mar.27 10:02 Eventually, however, the spell stopped working. The same happened to the Dawnling's chariot.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.27 10:04 'Can you feel that? It's like an invisible, repellent force.' He tried to take a step forward, but it took a lot of strength. They could see a green glow in the distant.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Mar.28 13:55  Lancer un dé à 100 faces... Résultat=78  
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.1 16:23 (she felt it too. And it was very strong) We must go through this.
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Apr.1 16:24 But, how!?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.1 16:26 With this (saying this, she used the spear and held it high. It lit up and a wall of sparkles disappeared. Rutyaw suddenly fell forward since he was desperately trying to go through the field)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.1 16:27 Rutyaw! Get off the floor!!!
14>Yasmine (Princess Dawnlings), 16 ans2022,Apr.1 16:28 ha ha ha ha haaaa (she giggled. It was really weird to see her strong brother fall)
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,Apr.1 17:47 Rutyaw blushed, glared at his sister, and decided he was really tired of the spear.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.1 17:49 'I think we need to make the way on foot now. That is if we're sure we don't trip.' She looked mockingly as Rutyaw, who was dusting himself down.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.1 17:49 It was much easier to move now and the green light seemed to be much gentler and less suffocating.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.1 17:50 'You know, I wouldn't be surprised if this was green moonlight, and it obeyed the light in the spear. But how would such a large amount of such rare light end up here?'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.1 17:51 But before any one could think about it the mouth of a cave appeared. Everyone came to a dead halt. It was enormous.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.3 06:50 This, is, where you'll find the dead of the night creatures
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.3 06:52 It has been here all along. Hidden, behind a wall of.....yes, you're right Srashla.........behind a wall of Green moonlight. The last bit left after the death of the moon a long time ago. These aren't much useful.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.3 06:53 In fact, they are not at all useful since this is just, mere dust. (She said swaying some away. The beam of the Aurora broke and shattered.) It's weak
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.3 06:54 Anyway, here we are! and I was right! (she said, giving a victorious smile to Srashla)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.3 06:56 And the reason for it to obey the spear is because, you can probably guess (she said to Srashla and stood at the edge of the mouth of the cave)
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.4 11:48 Ok. I want to wait a while for Marcus, and Marcus, this is going to be an epic stage, so try to be as active as possible please. Just an alert. I also need to make some NPCs, but I'm too lazy at the moment. There will be a bombardment of dead characters
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.4 11:49 tomorrow. And then next weekend hopefully, we'll start the new stage.
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Apr.7 08:33  Message secret pour Srashla  
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Apr.7 08:34 *Marcus was right behind queen Srashla even though he was really really quiet the whole of the journey*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Apr.7 08:36 *As he saw queen Everly use the spear, he wished he had one too. So, he can bring back his long lost mother from the dead. Now, that's a completely different story. So, he focused on getting the answers from the past and bring back unity between the two
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Apr.7 08:36 groups*
2>Marcus (Dawnling Spy ), 30 ans2022,Apr.7 08:36 *He waited silently for what his queen had to say*
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.7 09:48  Message secret pour Marcus  
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.7 09:54 And as they all looked at the wide mouth a voice boomed out.
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.7 09:55 'Who are these live people who stand outside the cave of the dead? Speak, your names.'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,Apr.7 09:57 'We are the leaders of the two factions of the Night Dwellers. I am Srashla Queen of the Twilightings, and I have brought with me my faithful retainers.'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.11 08:53 (She went a little forward and said) And I, I am Everly Queen of the Dawnlings. Pray who are you?!
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.11 08:54 (She waited for an answer)
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.11 12:57 'No living person may cross the threshold of this cave, or learn the slightest of answers from it's inhabitants until they answer me, the questioner of the Cave of the Dead.
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.11 12:58 'Why are you here?'
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.11 12:59 Answer that question truly, and the whole cave is yours to wander through
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.15 12:18 (she thought. And she finally answered) Well, Srashla here wants to know the truth about the past....and so do I. I also want to know how my husband came to have a gem of green moonlight
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.15 12:20 And, Srashla also wants to know about her dead mother. We want to know whether the crime she committed was true or...and where she is now
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.15 12:20 In whole, we have a lot of questions to ask and solve
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.15 12:21 And......that's the answer for your question
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.15 12:21 I hope it was what you expected. Sir (then she bowed)
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.16 09:34 'Well, that is enough for you to enter, but you must put your weapons away, for though the dead cannot be harmed by knives, they are at peace, and it is well the peace is not broken
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Apr.16 09:35 And then the voice showed itself. Into the mouth of the cave landed a man, quite a young one if he had been alive. 'Follow me!'
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.22 11:06 (sorry was offline for so long)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.22 11:09 {(back in the game) Everly and the rest followed the young man into the cave. It had a musty wet smell and it was really cold inside. They could hear water droplets falling from the ceiling of the cave and echoing through the long twisting tunnels}
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.22 11:10 (using her powers, she put on boots and a comfortable set of clothes to keep her safe from the water. She hated getting soggy and cold in the middle of nowhere)
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Apr.22 11:10 Where are we going? (she asked the spirit)
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,May.1 12:00 (that's ok. I' have as well)
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,May.1 12:00 'We are coming to the chamber of the dead, where they reside.'
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,May.1 12:46 As he spoke the air became warmer, the floor they walked became drier, and they came into a large room, or cave. So many people were there, and yet it was so eerily quiet!'
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,May.1 12:47 Srashla began to look around for a face she knew, hoping it would be there, as many of the others were doing.
1>Srashla (Queen Twilighting), 20 ans2022,May.1 12:47 But she saw no one.
3>Rutyaw (Dawnling Prince), 15 ans2022,May.1 12:49 Rutyaw, being Rutyaw, was pushing past all of the souls there apparently not creeped out by them, looking for Larkon. And then he saw him.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,May.6 07:32 (to Srashla) told you, she's gone. For that crime she did. You would've found her if you came THREE years ago. She's long gone. Just let her go! but look, Rutyaw found Larkon, we might find something if we asked from him.
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,May.24 11:57  Message secret pour Srashla  
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,May.24 11:58 Larkon walked up to them. 'Everly,' he said, looking a little concerned. What are you doing here? The living aren't supposed to come to this place.
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,May.25 05:46 I'm here to know the truth, Larkon. How did you get it?
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,May.25 05:46 How did you forge a green moonlight gem?
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.4 13:03 Larkon looks taken aback a moment about the sudden question, and then looks thoughtful. 'I think the story should be told from the beginning.' And he gestures to another dead.
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.4 13:04 (Sorry I haven't been active lately)
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.4 13:47 Delmire and Larkon talked a bit and then Delmire sat down, and began to tell the story of the gem.
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.4 13:48 Delmire and Larkon talked a bit and then Delmire sat down, and began to tell the story of the gem.
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.4 13:48 Sorry, my internet's acting wierd. I'll have to try later
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Jun.5 13:55 (It's ok, I've been wondering why. Never mind about that now)
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:36 'It was a long time ago that that spear was forged. It was thousands, maybe even a million years ago, that the Twilighting's and the Dawnling's had their most bloody war. Many were sent to this cave. But the thing that ended the bloodshed was as shocking
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:38 as the war itself. The moon turned green, a colour it had never before turned. Everybody went still with fear, except brave Taliam, the one who showed you in here. He saw that this was a chance not to be lost. He flew up, and jarred that light,
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:39 He knew that for every problem there would be a solution, and when the Nightling's problems were at their worst, the greatest solution would be found.
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:43 He, a dawnling, found the best Twilighting blacksmith, and together they forged a spear with it, to show that war had turned to peace. For a long time, the spear stayed in the field of dark grass, where the most bloody battle had been fought.
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:54 But once after many years of peace, in which both sides flourished, and which have probably been long forgotten by now, the spear disappeared. I do not know how, some said and evil human managed somehow to lay hands on it, some said it was a falling star,
20>Delmire (Dead Twilighting), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 13:56 but it was no Nightling's fault, because at that time all Nightlings were unable to harm it. But I can tell you no more about it, and must leave Larkon to tell you, for my time was up by then, and I was the blacksmith who forged it
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:12 Larkon took over. 'Whatever happened to it, I found it in the void between the skies and the human land. My mother told me of it, (my mother was human, and had past through that void, so she knew about it).
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:16 When I became king, I went and looked for it. I found it, but I knew something was missing from it. When I was a prince, I had once raided an intruding Twilighting caravan. A book, written by Delmire himself, was with them and I learnt an important fact
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:19 I learnt that there were two kinds of metals found in different parts of the skies. One called 'Nertay' and one called 'Ruiotup'. Ruitop was mined by Dawnlings, and Nertay by Twilightings.
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:34 The spear had had a band of these two metals around it, with the name of Taliam and Delmire engraved in it. This is what stopped any Nightling from using it's power. And it's dangerous to use it's power.' Looking at Everly who was holding the spear.
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:37 We know nothing about the moonlight it is embedded with, and if in the wrong hands, it might cause trouble. Without this band, the spear could be manipulated, and it would probably not be a cause of peace anymore. So i pushed it into the land below,
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:39 before my Nightling blood forced me up into the skies again. How you got it, Everly, I can't guess, but without the metal band, that spear is dangerous and unpredictable. But if we could find the band, peace could be restored
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.6 14:39 It was silent for a long time
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Jun.12 12:54 But, Larkon, you were the one who told me where it was! You even told me the map to the metal band. I didn't understand but.....I decided to go after it anyway. I couldn't find it because all of these wars and things. But, what will happen if the spear
12>Everly (Queen of Dawnlings), 30 ans2022,Jun.12 12:54 fall into the wrong hands?
15>Larkon (Dead king Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.14 13:25 The spear is made up of a lot of unknown elements, it could cause great destruction. Some say it can be controlled by anybody who has the metal band. Though I've estimated where the band might be, no one can stay inside the void long enough to find it.
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.20 13:24 There is one way
4>Taliam (Dead Dawnling), Dead ans2022,Jun.20 13:24 Taliam had been standing behind them the whole time
16>Dushe Fang (Warriors), 15 ans2023,Aug.23 14:53 Keeps an eye on the spear from behind the bushes and sneaks up on Everly.
16>Dushe Fang (Warriors), 15 ans2023,Aug.24 15:17  Acheter Blue Moonlight (x 1)  
16>Dushe Fang (Warriors), 15 ans2023,Aug.24 15:17  Acheter Sword Blue (x 1)  

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