" Transformers "
Ce jeu est destiné aux joueurs de 10 à 100 ans.
Les messages inappropriés seront supprimés.

Welcome to Transformers Roleplay. You make your own bot or con, and roleplay here of course. You can buy weapons, parts, paint (if you like fashion), etc. You can make your own OC, or play as one of the characters.

Note: There can not be 2 of the same characters.

Example: If there is Bee, there can not be another Bumblebee.

That's all the rules. Have fun!

Autobots, Roll Out!

Decepticons, Attack!!!

1>Optimus Prime (Autobot Leader), 70M ans2023,Sep.9 08:00 I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any cybertronian scattered in the stars. It's time to come home. [Sends directions to Earth]

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