" Dream City " This game is destined to players of 7 to 12 years of age. Bad-minded messages will be deleted.
This is Dream City! Want to ride a unicorn,defeat a dragon,fly like a bird in the sky or any other cool stuff play this game!
12>Amaani(Princess), 10yo.
2021,Feb.2 12:09 Hello Everyone!
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:06 hi
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:07 Buying Pets (x 10000)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:23 Buying Moterbike (x 3)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:24 Buying Torch (x 10)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:24 Buying Unicorn sword (x 3)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:24 Buying Dragon sword (x 3)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:24 Buying Pool (x 2)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:24 Buying House (x 1)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:25 Buying Back garden (x 1)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:25 Buying Furniture (x 5)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:25 Buying Car (x 1)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:25 Buying Boat (x 1)
6>Nordillia(human-fly), 9yo.
2021,Mar.29 05:26 Buying Boat (x 4)
16>Dushe Fang(Dragon), 100Myo.
2023,Aug.24 05:12 Flies overhead the humans, hiding from view
16>Dushe Fang(Dragon), 100Myo.
2023,Aug.24 05:13 Buying Car (x 10)
16>Dushe Fang(Dragon), 100Myo.
2023,Aug.24 05:13 Dropping Car (x 10) Free cars I stole! Anyone want one?
16>Dushe Fang(Dragon), 100Myo.
2023,Aug.24 05:13 JK I bought it.
17>Amaani(Girl), 13yo.
2023,Aug.24 15:20 Taking Car (x 1)
17>Amaani(Girl), 13yo.
2023,Aug.24 15:20 Buying Moterbike (x 1)
17>Amaani(Girl), 13yo.
2023,Aug.24 15:21 Mounts moterbike. Drives it... into the air
17>Amaani(Girl), 13yo.
2023,Aug.24 15:21 Buying Moterbike (x 1)
17>Amaani(Girl), 13yo.
2023,Aug.24 15:25 Buying Moterbike (x 1)
7>Reilyyn Neilson(A secretive warrior), 15yo.
2024,Jun.14 17:01 Buying Pets (x 1) Reilyyn grabbed the reins of her horse, Snowbreeze and leapt on. She had just had a huge argument with her best friend, as she had been slandering her to the rest of their friends,
7>Reilyyn Neilson(A secretive warrior), 15yo.
2024,Jun.14 17:02 Just because Reilyyn had slipped and fallen, hitting her head hard onto the ground, then forgot a big trip they had been planning for ages and had only just managed to get any time for it
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