1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 06:56 Rolling Item sided dice... Result=Fairy Friend Hiiiiii I hope you have a good day! |
1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 06:57 Rolling 2 sided dice... Result=No |
1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 06:59 Rolling 100 sided dice... Result=85 How many Elves are in the Elf village i come across of when i go through the portal? |
1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 07:00 Thats a lot of Elves |
1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 07:00 + 10000000 Money points to all players |
1>Maxwell Alves (Mistress Fairy), 17yo. | 2022,Nov.6 07:01 - 10000000 Money points to all players |
2>Rita (Forest witch), 13yo. | 2022,Dec.28 11:54 Buying Fairy Friend (x 1) |
2>Rita (Forest witch), 13yo. | 2022,Dec.28 11:54 Hello, my friend.! |
2>Rita (Forest witch), 13yo. | 2022,Dec.28 11:56 There will be my favorite phoenix there, right? |
2>Rita (Forest witch), 13yo. | 2022,Dec.28 11:57 Secret message to Maxwell Alves |